
The gentle rumble that was self-managed super has grown into a resounding roar over the last few years. I guess it’s for all the right reasons – a sense of control, the p...

Financial planning

What do the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Consumers Association (ACA) really want from financial services? What can be left o...

Financial planning

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) was prompted to create an example statement of advice (SOA) in response to the Federal Government paper Refine...


It is a problem that everybody knows about, and some have solutions for, yet it will not go away. Australians are not buying risk insurance, and far too-few advisers are ...

Financial planning

The financial services industry says the Federal Government went a long way yesterday to arresting fears that any proposed anti-money laundering legislation would heap un...

Financial planning

Consumers would receive a rebate to help pay for financial advice on superannuation under a proposal that has been put to the Federal Government by a key banking lobby gr...

Funds management

A strong wealth management performance in Australia and New Zealand helped lift AXA’s net profit for the half-year to June 30 by 36 per cent to $246 million....


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The life insurance sector has contributed to the underinsurance of Australians by over-engineering products so that they are poorly understood by customers, according to ...


Only four per cent of Australian parents have enough life insurance cover to sustain their family’s lifestyle if either parent were to die, with 60 per cent - or 5.4 mill...

Financial planning

ASIC has expanded its compliance team, with Carole Ferguson joining in the new position of director, institutional and wholesale compliance....

Financial planning

AMP has pulled out of its life insurance joint venture in India, stating that it was withdrawing to focus on its core operation in Australia and New Zealand....

Financial planning

Virgin Super will reveal no more details of its pricing or product range until the Richard Branson-owned venture launches, at the same time as choice-of-fund laws come in...

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So we are now underwriting criminal scams?...

1 month 1 week ago

Glad to see the back of you Steve. You made financial more expensive, not more affordable as you claim, and presided ...

1 month 1 week ago

Completely agree Peter. The definition of 'significant change is circumstances relevant to the scope of the advice' is s...

3 months 2 weeks ago

Entireti has unveiled the new name for the AMP financial advice businesses that it acquired last year....

6 days 5 hours ago

Lonsec has appointed a new chief executive for its research and ratings division as Mike Wright takes up a new role in light of the acquisition of Evidentia Group by Lons...

1 month ago

The Financial Services and Credit Panel has cancelled the registration of an NSW adviser for two years as it felt he displayed a ‘level of incompetence’ in providing advi...

1 month ago