About us

Target audience

Aimed primarily at financial planners and dealer group principals, Money Management is also widely read by fund managers, accountants, bankers, insurers and government.

Editorial coverage

Money Management provides accurate, informative and insightful editorial coverage of the Australian financial services market, with topics including taxation, managed funds, property investments, shares, risk insurance, master trusts, superannuation, margin lending, financial planning, portfolio construction, and investment strategies.

Special features

The Money Management editorial team not only takes great pride in its news-breaking ability and in-depth features, but also its special reports, such as the Top 100 Dealer Groups, Master Trusts and Rate the Raters. Money Management plays a very active role in the financial services industry through events such as Fund Manager of the Year, Financial Planner of the Year and Adviser Risk Awards.

Why Money Management?

Independent research from Wealth Insights* has confirmed that Money Management is the publication of choice among financial planners. It is also valued by readers as being the most credible publication for news, product news, writers and columnists.


Maja Garaca Djurdjevic

Maja Garaca Djurdjevic

Editor, Wealth

02 9922 3300

Maja's career in journalism spans well over a decade across finance, business and politics. Now an experienced editor and reporter across all elements of the financial services sector, prior to joining Momentum Media, Maja reported for several established news outlets in Southeast Europe, scrutinising key processes in post-conflict societies.

Jasmine Siljic

Jasmine Siljic


02 9922 3300

Jasmine Siljic is a journalist at Money Management. Prior to joining MM, she also worked across other Momentum Media brands as an intern and cadet journalist. She recently completed a Bachelor of Media and Communications at Macquarie University.

Laura Dew

Laura Dew

Editor, Money Management

02 9922 3300

Laura Dew is editor at Money Management. Prior to joining MM, she spent five years working at Investment Week in the UK, covering asset and wealth management.


About Momentum Media

Momentum Media (<a href="https://www.momentummedia.com.au" target="_blank">www.momentummedia.com.au</a>) has been equipping Australia’s corporate, investor and business sectors with market and business intelligence for over a decade.

Across an integrated business supported by digital, events, live streaming, broadcast, content-on-demand, research, print and social platforms, we are guided by a fundamental principal: Be better informed.

Better informed readers, listeners, viewers, event participants, advertisers, sponsors and commercial partners, government and policy decisionmakers.

This mission for informing, educating and inspiring drives us to build more engaged communities, delivering greater leadership to the markets we connect with and forging closer relationships with our audiences.

Being at the forefront of media innovation, backed by a pioneering spirit, has been central to Momentum Media’s growth.

We’re an evolving, forward-thinking business based on a purpose that supports corporate Australia and the markets critical to our nation’s economic prosperity. We’re also focused on delivering exceptional value to our commercial partners.

We continually adapt to rapidly changing marketplaces; we’re a fluid media business, unshackled to any particular technology, channel or tone of communication.

With a monthly reach spanning over a million professionals, high-net-worth individuals and business owners, we’re connected to the rapidly changing preferences and attitudes of our communities – and we’re making a positive contribution for them to thrive.