Which Wu is who in the funds management zoo?

Will the real Simon Wu please stand up?
There is only one Outsider but apparently there are two Simon Wus operating in the Australian funds management industry.
Now Outsider has been around long enough to know that finding two people named Mike Taylor plying their trade as journalists is not unusual, it is unusual for the aforementioned two Mike Taylors to be both writing about financial services which, thankfully, they are not.
Similarly, while there are undoubtedly hundreds of thousands of Wus in China, Outsider finds it unusual that two of them would be operating in the Australian funds management industry and both of them operating in the Asian funds space.
But there you have it. Simon Wu of Premium China Funds has been around for quite a while and now it turns out that Aberdeen Standard has its own Simon Wu, who just happens to be director of wholesale sales.
Now Outsider has known Premium China’s Simon Wu for many years and so he knows which Wu is who in the funds management zoo, do you?
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