The QOA Oscar speech

Like most of the financial advice industry, Outsider has spent the week reading through the final report of the Quality of Advice Review.
After seven weeks of waiting, he was keen to see what recommendations Michelle Levy had suggested and how they could change the advice landscape.
Amid all the comments about Statements of Advice, digital advice and advice from superannuation funds, he also liked how Levy had taken time to give her own little note of thanks.
Her very own Oscars speech perhaps.
This included staff at ASIC and APRA, her partners at law firm Allens, and the Government Actuary Team, no surprises there.
But then it goes on “my secretary Bridget deserves an extra big thanks – I did not miss a single plane”, “the poet Julian” and “my dear friend and colleague MM”. Outsider likes to think that last one stands for Money Management.
She also includes a hidden clue, “I have included a quote from the Dude (the Big Lebowski) in the Report”.
For any movie fans out there, you have 267 pages to find this quote.
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