Time for a temporary cross-border truce

Outsider has nothing but sympathy for his friends and colleagues in Victoria as they seek to deal with the surge in COVID-19 infections and so he is not going to make cheap jokes about the closure of the NSW/Victoria border.
Indeed, the closure of the border gave Outsider pause to consider just how many financial services companies are based in Melbourne and he hopes not too many of the denizens of IOOF, Netwealth, Synchron, Shadforth, Mercer, all the financial planning practices and, of course, Industry Fund Services and all the industry superannuation funds are suffering too much.
Lockdown is no easy thing for individuals let alone businesses and Outsider was impressed by how well financial advisers and others handled the first round of lockdowns which began in early March and continued almost up until the end of May.
However, he knows that these latest Victorian lockdowns are tougher because they came just when businesses were starting to reopen their doors and as plans were being made to get things squarely back on track.
That said, Outsider cannot wait for the traditional interstate rivalry to resume safe in the knowledge that the “Emerald City” is vastly more attractive than the “Paris of the South” and the coffee ain’t bad either.
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