Is there anything Persevering Jane should be telling her boss?

Outsider finds it interesting and just a bit baffling that someone who would advocate that financially-stressed female victims of domestic violence should be able to raid their superannuation accounts simply to put food on the table has become the Minister for Women’s Economic Security.
Outsider is, of course, referring to none other than “persevering” Jane Hume who will fit this key portfolio responsibility into her already busy schedule as Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and the Digital Economy.
Senator Hume was amongst a bevy of Coalition females to find themselves promoted as the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, undertook some feminine reshaping of his Cabinet amid the fall-out from the Brittany Higgins Parliament House rape allegations and the controversy surrounding the historical and unproven rape allegations against the no longer Attorney-General, Christian Porter.
By Outsider’s observation, while Hume has been a popular minister amongst many women in the financial services sector, she is not quite so much the flavour of the month, year or even decade amongst those who might describe themselves as being of a somewhat left-leaning persuasion, not that she probably cares.
But let it be said that not only has Hume worked for the likes of NAB, Rothschild and Deutsche Bank she has also worked as a “senior strategic policy adviser for AustralianSuper” – something which makes her pre-parliamentary careers look almost bipartisan even if her Parliamentary track-record says otherwise.
But back to the question of whether female victims of domestic violence should obtain early access to their superannuation, and Outsider really does wonder whether Hume ought to read Jess Hill’s book on domestic violence – See What You Made Me Do – and when she is finished perhaps lend it to her boss.
Outsider feels that Prime Minister Morrison might find reading such a book useful in fulfilling his self-appointed role as the co-chair of the new cabinet taskforce that is overseeing the government’s response to women’s equality, women’s safety, women’s economic security, and women’s health and wellbeing.
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