Sharing money saving tips

With finfluencers coming under scrutiny, Outsider wonders if he is missing a trick by not putting his own financial knowledge to good use.
While he does not claim to be a financial adviser or have specialist expertise in investments, nor it seems do these finfluencers either.
Outsider is sure he can cobble together some videos about money-saving tips - one area which the regulator has confirmed is perfectly acceptable for finfluencers.
One of Outsider’s best money-saving tips would be taking a packed lunch to the office, or even better, organising a PR to take him out to lunch.
Alternatively, he would also suggest pounding the pavements around the city or sending Mrs O to pick him up instead of taking a taxi.
The next thing he needs to discover before he can become a fully-fledged finfluencer maverick is how to actually use TikTok…
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