Here comes the money shot

As an older gentleman, Outsider has already felt flustered trying to navigate the world of alternative investments, including cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin, the leading option for “crypto” as it is known colloquially, is now worth over $40,000, although it was, however, worth over $70,000 just a couple of months ago.
And thus, realising he was late to the party, but also suffering from something called ‘FOMO’ which his younger colleagues tell him means the “fear of missing out” – he wanted in on the action, so he scouted for alternative options for his lunge into this alternative currency.
In doing so, Outsider noted a story published by Morningstar referencing a forceful new entrant in the crypto space – Cumrocket.
Now, despite his less than politically correct ways, Outsider was somewhat taken aback by the branding of this crypto tyro and wondered how he could explain this investment to the somewhat genteel Mrs O who might surely blush at the company’s letterhead, presuming such an outfit has a letterhead.
But 2021 has been marked by what Outsider has been told are called “meme” investments, generated through interest on social media, something Outsider also doesn’t understand.
Hopefully the ‘semenauts’ will blast him off to into unfathomable wealth, or he will lose his money in an internet scam.
Life was so much simpler when Outsider simply flirted with Nigerian princes.
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