Copping the super spotlight

Outsider found himself in Brisbane in mid-March attending that long-running industry funds event – the Conference of Major Superannuation Funds – but it was not the industry funds’ denizens who made Outsider chuckle, it was Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia chief executive, Martin (Dr to you) Fahy.
You see Fahy found himself on stage alongside former TAL chief executive, Jim Minto and Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees chief executive, Eva Scheerlinck trying to explain the virtues of the Insurance Inside Superannuation code of conduct to a somewhat sceptical audience of fund trustees.
The spotlight was very much on Scheerlinck, Minto and Fahy, literally.
Squinting up into the overhead lights, Fahy revealed a little too much about his Northern Irish upbringing when he declared “the last time I saw lights that bright I was in an RUC station”.
Outsider wonders why the urbane Fahy would have come to the attention of the Royal Ulster Constabulary but, then again, there was plenty of confusion during “the troubles”.
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