Money Management's 2018 Fund Manager Fee Comparator exercise has found that amongst Australia’s highest fee-charging fund managers, fewer than 10 per cent have actually j...
Money Management has looked at the equity sectors failing to stay above the line for the past six months to date to see who’s on a downward spiral. ...
Bottom-up stock-picking is equally as effective for sustainable funds, and the use of screens is optional, Stewart Investors tells Money Management. ...
After suffering a drop at the beginning of the second quarter of 2018, bonds have managed to pick themselves up, data from FE Analytics shows. ...
The Australian small/mid-cap equity sector is ticking the metrics in terms of volatility and performance, data from FE Analytics shows. ...
Money Management looked at the equity sectors outside of Australia, using FE Analytics, to see whether Australians should consider going global....
Are Australian investors growing a conscience? Anastasia Santoreneos writes that the evidence with respect to responsible investments would tend to suggest they are....
Emerging market equities have been letting investors down with less-than-spectacular returns, but is having some EM equity exposure still a sensible strategy? ...
Money Management looks at the funds in the top quartile over five years doing it tough in the year to last month. ...
Money Management looks at the giants in the industry to see which household names top the ACS Equity – Global sector over the long run. ...
Starting this June, Money Management is going to fact check a fund each issue. First up, Hannah Wootton took a look at the Perpetual Pure Value Share Fund....
Focusing on stocks with essential ingredients, and using fundamental and quantitative bottom-up research is key to balancing good returns in a less volatile environment t...
Data from FE Analytics shows that some sectors have no funds that have managed to combine strong returns with relatively low volatility....
Asian equities were a good choice for fund managers in the year to March quarter end, with FE Analytics showing funds heavily invested in the area often delivered returns...
Almost 90 per cent of sectors delivered performances in the March 2018 quarter lower than that of 2017, with more than half recording negative returns, according to FE An...
Completely agree Peter. The definition of 'significant change is circumstances relevant to the scope of the advice' is s...
This verdict highlights something deeply wrong and rotten at the heart of the FSCP. We are witnessing a heavy-handed, op...
Interesting. Would be good to know the details of the StrategyOne deal....