There has been a 47% decline in the number of funds receiving a 5 Crown rating, falling to 136, while no fund was upgraded from 1 Crown to 5 Crowns....
IOOF and First Sentier Investors lead the way when it comes to 5 Crown funds, but Colchester Global Investors has seen all four of its funds rated 5 Crowns in the latest ...
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global stockmarkets has led to over a quarter of global equity funds receiving 1 Crown ratings....
Australian small and mid-cap equities had the highest percentage of 5 Crown rated funds in this latest edition of FE fundinfo’s Crown Ratings, representing 17% of the sec...
There were five funds in this FE fundinfo Crown Fund Rating rebalance which received the highest ranking in their first-ever rating. ...
Make no mistake, Outsider is a big fan of superannuation possibly because he was reporting on it when the Hawke/Keating Government cemented the Prices and Incomes Accord ...
Outsider is pleased that, even though it took too long, the issue of diversity has become an important matter for many financial services firms, on the surface at least....
As someone who has had to deal with offshore service providers, Outsider is very interested in the suggestion that paraplanning services can be satisfactorily provided by...
There are numerous investment themes hitting the news, Kanish Chugh writes, and advisers need to be aware of how they can get access to these if clients are seeking expos...
If financial advice is to be made more affordable, the layer upon layer of financial planning regulation needs to be stripped back and the Australian Securities and Inves...
Mike Taylor writes that if AMP’s joint venture with Ares around its private markets business comes to fruition it will have topped up the company’s commercial war chest b...
There was support for increased standards in the financial advice industry, Chris Dastoor writes, but any goodwill was destroyed by FASEA in just a few years. Where did i...
So we are now underwriting criminal scams?...
Glad to see the back of you Steve. You made financial more expensive, not more affordable as you claim, and presided ...
Completely agree Peter. The definition of 'significant change is circumstances relevant to the scope of the advice' is s...