A timely union

While Outsider wouldn’t admit to watching reality TV, he can’t help if it’s on when he walks back and forth across the lounge.
So he couldn’t help but catch the latest series of Married at First Sight, the wedding show where individuals volunteer to be matched with their future life partner at the altar.
Now, while Outsider would obviously prefer to be watching the golf or the cricket, there was something about this particular episode that stopped him in his tracks.
One of the contestants was a financial adviser.
“Huh, that’s unusual”, he thought.
Before he could get his head around that fact, a second contestant was also revealed to be a financial adviser.
Given the declining number of financial advisers, the recruitment team would have hunted high and low to find not one but two people in that profession.
Having navigated the troubles and regulation of the advice profession in the past few years, Outsider reckons these two contestants are well-prepared for any challenge that reality TV can throw at them.
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