Postponing the inevitable without a prescription

It was with some regret but absolutely no surprise that Outsider learned that Dr Martin Fahy and his crew at the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia had postponed the organisation’s November conference.
Outsider was not surprised because, right now with COVID-19 etc, getting anyone to attend anything involving more than about a dozen people in a large room is about as easy as getting someone into an elevator in which someone has broken wind.
But wait, there’s more. It seems that having postponed the November conference, Fahy believes that ASFA is going to be able to pull off the same event in February, 2021, which suggests to Outsider that the ASFA CEO’s doctorate is actually in epidemiology or that he has shares in CSL and insider knowledge on vaccine development.
Outsider does like a nice conference held in a warm climate and close to a good golf course, but his advice to Fahy and all those yearning for the scintillating sessions, the well-stocked buffets and the glamorous gala dinner is that they not get ahead of themselves and consider the safety of the internet instead.
If Outsider’s polling of fellow conference veterans is anything to go by, it will be late next year or 2022 before anyone feels ready to pack the bags and venture out to conference land, and only if there is a vaccine.
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