Hot under the collar over APRA’s climate risk recruitment

Outsider does like a Government backbencher who keeps an eye on the jobs being advertised by the financial services regulators, particularly one as arcane as the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
And so he doffs his cap to the often-maligned NSW Liberal, Craig Kelly, who appears to have noticed that APRA was recently advertising for the newly-created role of head of climate risk.
Outsider assumes that the head of climate risk, when appointed, will be taking a leading role in developing APRA’s policy approach around global warming in circumstances where the regulator has already noted that one-third of financial entities are factoring climate risk into their investment decisions.
Those entities are the big banks, the big insurers and the superannuation funds – so organisations not unfamiliar with risks, both political and climate-related.
But, of course, global warming is not part of the lexicon of a significant portion of the Federal Coalition and so Outsider completely understands why Kelly would both question such an appointment by APRA and, indeed, what the lucky appointee will actually be paid.
Kelly is clearly a man for our times, which probably explains why he used a hearing of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics to explain why it had not advertised for a head of pandemic risk.
Outsider will be scanning the job advertisements to see whether the APRA pandemic gig comes up.
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