Free lunch, eye contact not included

Outsider is delighted to tell our faithful Money Management readers that he has finally scored his first free lunch since the 107-day Sydney lockdown.
Outsider was pleased to see that COVID-19 precautions were taken seriously at the restaurant even though it meant spending extra time waiting in the lobby. The restaurant did not rush checking vaccination certificates and made sure their foyer was not crowded despite the growing line of people who would usually waltz in.
“Finally!” Outsider thought as he spied notebooks on the table and felt a relief that his notebook stash could finally be replenished.
Outsider looked around and saw old faces and new faces galore as familiar journalists greeted each other for the first time in a long time while fresh-faced journalists tried to make their mark as friendly and overly-excited about financial services.
But one thing Outsider noticed was, despite the room agreeing that they had missed face-to-face events, it was clear it would take some getting used to as eye contact was scarce among guests.
Though, do not fret dear readers, as Outsider does not need eye contact to bring you the latest gossip from around the lunch table.
Outsider will be sure to share these lunch tales in the new year and wishes Money Management readers a happy holiday season.
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