A fight to the finish
Outsider noticed his head was spinning. Was it vertigo? Was it too much whiskey? No, it was to do with a battle of wills at play between PM Capital and WAM Capital for acquiring PM Capital Asian Opportunities fund.
No sooner had Outsider finished writing up one Australian Securities Exchange announcement then another was released by its rival. Poor Outsider could see the steam rising off his typewriter as he tried to keep up with all the changes.
In some cases, his stories had become redundant before he even had a chance to send it off to publish. Such was the pace of the back and forth between the two players, and perhaps the insistence of using a typewriter.
At the time of writing, the latest update was that WAM had stated it had an ‘unconditional offer’ but PM Capital, which wanted a takeover by the PM Capital Global Opportunities fund instead, urged shareholders to reject it.
By the time you read this, who knows what the next development will have been? Nevertheless, Outsider hopes the best firm wins.
Maybe the victor can buy Outsider a new typewriter because he isn’t sure this one will have much life in it by the end of this ordeal?
Though, his younger colleagues will likely beat him to publishing the story once again as his typewriter proves a less worthy opponent than the fair computer keyboard.
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