Contactless delivery

Mingling at drinks receptions might be back on the agenda but that doesn’t mean Omicron has gone away.
At an industry event, there was only one topic of conversation among delegates and Outsider, who has so far avoided the plague, was shocked at how many of his industry friends had been struck down by the virus.
It seems the summer break was a hotspot for the virus as one person after another regaled Outsider with their self-imposed Christmas isolation.
Luckily, many were living in two-storey houses which meant they were able to separate themselves from their children on separate floors.
Outsider particularly liked the person who built a barricade and said they passed food over the wall to their sick family member, bringing a new interpretation to ‘contactless delivery’.
While Outsider is glad to be out and about with the best and brightest of the Sydney financial services industry, he is also hopeful his mingling doesn’t come at a price. If it does, he knows who to call for supplies.
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