Along came Polly

Outsider thought of himself as someone who would never fall for the public relation tactics that has become so engrained in political discourse, as someone who would vote based on policy and party rather than character and as someone who could spot a political photo-op from a mile away.
But then along came Polly.
Polly, Senator Jane Hume’s new black Labrador puppy, coined as a “Lib-rador” by Hume, received almost 300 reactions and dozens of comments on her LinkedIn page.
Outsider admits his first reaction to the post was ‘what does this Labrador have anything to do with financial services and Government’ but then he soon became mesmerised by Polly’s beauty.
Hume said: “So far her favourite things in the world are having a cuddle, and stealing shoes”.
Perhaps 60 Minutes can do a feature story on Polly the Lib-rador, Outsider wonders, as he is sure that will get their ratings up after Scomo’s ukulele rendition of April Sun in Cuba.
Outsider ponders whether members of the financial services community would like to see a picture of his mongrel. His favourite things are digging for bones or humping the cat.
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