The superannuation fund performance test needs to test every super product, not just MySuper products, to avoid underperforming funds escape scrutiny, according to a supe...
Superannuation funds could control more than half the ASX within 15 years, with one-third of the $3 billion of new money the sector gains to invest each week likely to go...
The post-Royal Commission financial planning landscape by 2030 will see a number of losers and winners, according to wealthdigital....
AustralianSuper’s chief executive, Ian Silk, has suggested that the Banking Royal Commission didn’t cast a stern enough eye over parts of the superannuation industry, in ...
Having identified more than a dozen underperforming superannuation funds which have subsequently opted to exit the industry, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authorit...
Industry superannuation funds have welcomed the Royal Commission’s final report, but financial planning groups are concerned about the outcome for their members....
Counsel assisting the Royal Commission has pointed to serious breaches within the major banks while suggesting many of the issues surrounding industry funds can be dealt ...
Research commissioned and paid for by the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees has claimed bank-owned superannuation funds are charging fees up to 182 per cent...
Anastasia Santoreneos writes that while the debate continues between industry and retail superannuation funds, the similarities seem to be outweighing the differences....
So we are now underwriting criminal scams?...
Glad to see the back of you Steve. You made financial more expensive, not more affordable as you claim, and presided ...
Completely agree Peter. The definition of 'significant change is circumstances relevant to the scope of the advice' is s...