With small financial advice firms vulnerable to key person risk, there can be a tangible monetary cost to a practice’s value if the owner dies suddenly. ...
Almost half of financial services businesses are being sold for cash with sales of up to $8 million, significantly reducing the time taken for parties to transact....
With a move towards servicing high-net-worth investors who are seeking a professional network, accountants and financial planners are working closer than ever before and ...
The rise in interest rates is having a knock-on effect on financial advice M&A activity as buyers are finding themselves approved for financing that is up to 30% lower th...
The purchase of financial firms is varying by state with strong demand in Western Australia and buyers considering interstate deals....
The selling price of financial planning businesses has increased for the first time in 13 years with demand for older clients and complete licensee groups of 50 to 200 au...
Got an indifferent planning business with high exposure to grandfathered commissions and less than thorough paperwork? Don’t expect to be rushed by potential buyers....
Accounting practices were failing to see the same level of demand for their practices as financial planning practices due to lack of confidence and higher levels of busin...
So we are now underwriting criminal scams?...
Glad to see the back of you Steve. You made financial more expensive, not more affordable as you claim, and presided ...
Completely agree Peter. The definition of 'significant change is circumstances relevant to the scope of the advice' is s...