With the average person seeking out financial advice only after they’ve had a poor experience, it’s crucial to ensure a solid financial base from a young age, according t...
A study from Griffith University has recommended financial literacy be taught as a standalone subject to high school-aged students or at the least, through a co-curricula...
A link has been uncovered between the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s Consumer Advisory Panel and a key submission regarded as highly supportive of the...
A designation of work by two Griffith University academics as “consultancy/commercial research” has raised questions about the status of a 2018 submission to the Financia...
The Financial Planning Research Journal, published by Griffith University and the Financial Planning Association of Australia, has introduced three new research awards an...
Hannah Wootton talks to a young industry leader and soon-to-be financial planning graduate, Azaria Bell, to find out what advisers can gain from going back to university....
AMP and Griffith University have joined to help financial advisers meet the Financial Advisers Standards and Ethics Authority’s new requirements. ...
The Governance Institute has urged the Senate to wait for hard evidence from a whistleblowing project from Griffith University before making recommendations rather than r...
So we are now underwriting criminal scams?...
Glad to see the back of you Steve. You made financial more expensive, not more affordable as you claim, and presided ...
Completely agree Peter. The definition of 'significant change is circumstances relevant to the scope of the advice' is s...