Eight consumer groups have united with eight industry bodies in opposition to the compensation scheme of last resort (CSLR) legislation in its current form....
Consumer bodies have joined the financial adviser bodies and the Federal Opposition in voicing their displeasure with the proposed draft legislation for the compensation ...
The Financial Rights Legal Centre says the Government to rescind the proposal to automatically opt Australians into data sharing for joint bank account holders....
The passing of a bill on credit reporting could leave consumers vulnerable to unscrupulous lenders after ruling their financial hardship information must be disclosed on ...
The Consumer Action Law Centre and the Financial Rights Legal Centre have reacted to the Treasury Law Amendment (Putting Members’ Interests First) Bill 2019 by stating th...
The Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services has rebuffed an FSC proposal to allow life/risk insurers to participate in getting injured worker...
So we are now underwriting criminal scams?...
Glad to see the back of you Steve. You made financial more expensive, not more affordable as you claim, and presided ...
Completely agree Peter. The definition of 'significant change is circumstances relevant to the scope of the advice' is s...