Advisers outrank government as source of retirement support

financial advice financial services council retirement treasury

Australian consumers say they are more likely to seek retirement advice from a financial adviser or their super fund, the FSC reveals, demonstrating a distrust of government retirement support.


Magellan puts US in its sights for growth

Magellan Andrew Formica Sophia Rahmani North America

Magellan has detailed its plan to revamp its business in the US, with executive chairman Andrew Formica saying he can see a “tremendous opportunity” for the firm.


T. Rowe Price warns of earnings disappointment in Australia

T Rowe Price australian equities Australian fixed income fund management

The short-term outlook for Australian earnings is “at risk of disappointing”, according to T. Rowe Price, as it retains its underweight in the space.


Filtering out the noise in small-cap markets: Ausbil

Ausbil Small caps australian equities

Speaking with the current and former employees of a potential stock is one way that Ausbil small-cap portfolio manager, Andrew Peros, tries to retain an edge in his investment strategy.


AFCA accelerates work on Dixon complaints ahead of CSLR

AFCA Dixon Advisory dass CSLR

AFCA has doubled the team handling Dixon Advisory complaints, with the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort just six weeks away from implementation.


Is Xplan a ‘necessary evil’ for financial advisers?

iress XPLAN Software financial planning software

Several advisers have expressed their frustrations with Iress’ Xplan software but feel smaller alternatives don’t have all the vital features yet, as the firm highlights its transformation strategy to improve.


Has leadership appointment boosted Magellan’s rating?

Magellan morningstar leadership maple brown abbott Sophia Rahmani

Describing the appointment of Sophia Rahmani as Magellan’s new managing director last week as an “encouraging step”, Morningstar has detailed whether it is enough to increase its ranking of the asset manager.


GQG CEO on difficulties of asset manager M&A activity

GQG Partners M&A Pacific Current Group

GQG Partners chief executive, Tim Carver, believes it is “very, very hard” to pursue M&A in the asset management space after a failed bid for Pacific Current Group last year.


Platforms look to fill role of education provider

platforms Recep Peker BT Panorama CFS amp north

Platforms are pivoting to take on the role formerly held by large licensees in providing adviser education, according to platform specialist Recep Peker, as well as improving their digital offerings.


Relative Return: Gauging the economic influence of Swift's Aussie tour

Podcast Relative Return

| By Staff |

Swiftonomics are occupying the minds of Australian economists as the artist begins the Australian leg of her tour.


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Completely agree Peter. The definition of 'significant change is circumstances relevant to the scope of the advice' is s...

1 month 1 week ago

This verdict highlights something deeply wrong and rotten at the heart of the FSCP. We are witnessing a heavy-handed, op...

1 month 2 weeks ago

Interesting. Would be good to know the details of the StrategyOne deal....

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SuperRatings has shared the median estimated return for balanced superannuation funds for the calendar year 2024, finding the year achieved “strong and consistent positiv...

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Insignia Financial has confirmed it is considering a preliminary non-binding proposal received from a US private equity giant to acquire the firm. ...

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Six of the seven listed financial advice licensees have reported positive share price growth in 2024, with AMP and Insignia successfully reversing earlier losses. ...

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