SMSF Association claims designation trumps bridging courses

smsf association FASEA Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority Recognition of Prior Learning RPL

6 August 2019
| By Mike |
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The SMSF Association has sought to make a commercial virtue out of the one-unit Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) recognition it has received for SMSF Specialist Advisor (SSA) designation.

The Association has pointed to the one-unit recognition of prior learning (RPL) value for the designation and has sought to market it as a reason for advisers to complete the course as a cheaper option to pursuing bridging courses.

“To celebrate, the SMSF Association is offering an exclusive deal, providing you the opportunity to complete the SSATM accreditation for $1,670 - substantially less than the $2,400-$3,500 cost expected for a FASEA bridging course,” the SMSF Association said.

“Completion of the SSATM for RPL will reduce the number of bridging courses or degree/diploma courses that those holding the SSATM designation may be required to undertake to meet the FASEA education standards.

“This exclusive package offers you an opportunity to complete SMSF education directly related to your work advising SMSFs instead of a FASEA bridging course,” the SMSF Association promotional material said.

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