Key appointment to Thinking Ahead Institute

Russell Investments former chief research strategist, Bob Collie has joined the Willis Towers Watson offshoot, the Thinking Ahead Institute.
The institute, a global not-for-profit investment research body has over 40 members that have combined responsibility for over US$13 trillion.
Based in the UK, Collie’s role is to head research for the Thinking Ahead Group: the executive team to the Institute.
Collie has over 30 years’ experience in the actuarial, investment and consulting industries and joines from Russell Investments where he worked for over 20 years, most recently as Chief Research Strategist responsible for the generation, capture and delivery of strategic research to institutional clients in the US.
Commenting on Collie’s appointment, Thinking Ahead Group head, Tim Hodgson said he was joining at a time of accelerating change in the investment industry.
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