Benjamin Marshan to join CALI executive team


13 March 2023
| By Rhea Nath |
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Benjamin Marshan, former policy and advocacy head at the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA), has announced that he will be joining the Council of Australian Life Insurers (CALI) as director of policy and industry affairs.

He would join the peak body representing the Australian life insurance industry after seven years at the FPA, where he had held a variety of roles including as head of policy and standards and head of policy, strategy and innovation.

This included working on over 300 submissions to Government, 600 meetings with Government, departments and regulators and 1,650 stakeholder meetings.

“With 17 years’ experience, Ben is well known and respected across the financial services industry for his commitment to supporting innovative delivery of services to consumers,” CALI stated.

“He brings deep knowledge of the complex regulatory environment that our members operate in.

“Ben has extensive experience serving in member associations and played a critical role leading the Financial Advice industry’s fintech agenda and the development and implementation of the Financial Planning Association’s Code of Professional Practice, Guidance and Regulations and development of Professional and Ethical Standards for Financial Planners.”

Commenting on his appointment on LinkedIn, Marshan said he looked forward to the next stage of his career in life insurance, “helping in this critically important part of the financial services industry”.

CALI also announced the appointment of Michael Johnston as director of policy and advocacy.

A senior financial leader with more than 20 years' experience in public policy, government relations and industry affairs, Johnston previously spent nine and a half years at Westpac, including leading the corporate affairs strategy for Westpac’s response to the Financial Services Royal Commission.

He had also led government and regulatory affairs at ANZ and had been a senior policy officer at CHOICE. 

Marshan and Johnston would join CALI chief executive Christine Cupitt and corporate affairs and strategy manager Keely O’Brien on the executive team effective 27 March. 

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Submitted by Anon on Mon, 2023-03-13 17:14

Same same but day you're representing the big end of town at the FPA and taking directions from large insto's and the next you're working for the big end of the town somewhere else.

Submitted by Ben Dover on Tue, 2023-03-14 13:02

One day he's too tapped out to continue at FPA. The next day he's starting a new job. Sounds like CALI have a dud.

Submitted by Peter Hawks on Tue, 2023-03-14 14:04

This change not surprising. Let advisers down in his previous role with the FPA. Now joining CALI of which some Companies are anti advisers. Work it out from there.

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