North American advisers see increased demand

Investor demand for adviser communication jumped 47% from February to March in North America, according to research from AdvisorStream, highlighting the increased demand advisers are seeing around the world during COVID-19.
The research from the adviser marketing firm revealed clients wanted consistent and frequent personalised contact with their advisers in times of crisis, particularly by email.
Kevin Mulhern, AdvisorStream co-founder and chief executive, said investors were also looking for facts, not fear.
“The volume of electronic communication between advisers and investors during March is unprecedented across the AdvisorStream platform in the US, UK and Canada,” Mulhern said.
“With the increasing daily uncertainty, advisers are stepping up to the plate more boldly than ever to clarify, illuminate and lead the conversation.
“Communication is key. Investors are more inclined to leave an adviser for a lack of communication than they are for perceived bad financial advice.
“Communication, in any form, from advisers is a lifeline for investors in volatile times.”
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