New iApp edition of Money Management out now

This week's iPad edition of Money Management is out now with the latest in news, exclusive video content and features.
Watch the Financial Planning Association chief Mark Rantall and the Association of Financial Advisers chief Richard Klipin discuss the wins and fails from the Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) reforms passing through the Parliament.
Money Management also brings you video material from its latest Roundtable, where industry experts discuss all things FOFA.
Did the Government wait too long to announce the extension to the FOFA deadline?
Is planner sentiment slowly improving? Money Management has the latest figures.
Read about the latest trends in Australian Equities, complete the online CPD Quiz in Toolbox and read what our favourite blogger - Outsider - has to say.
All this and more is now available in our new iPad edition of Money Management. Look for the Money Management application in Newsstand.
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Wealth managers have said they are experiencing difficulties in aligning their company’s in-house views with the ever-increasing needs of clients, according to MSCI.
The financial advice industry is experiencing a “champagne problem” regarding pricing, with advice firms seeing no need to cut their prices to remain competitive.
Marking a decade offering managed accounts in Australia, BlackRock has elaborated on the changes it has seen in their usage by financial advisers, with net client flows rising from 4 per cent to 25 per cent.
AZ NGA’s CEO has unpacked how its recent $345 million debt facility from Barings will accelerate its advice network’s growth ambitions, and allow its largest firms to access a greater source of funding.