TASA bill back to committee
The Tax Agent Services Act Bill has now been referred to a Parliamentary Joint Committee after on Friday being referred back to the Parliament by that same Committee.
The Federal Opposition today succeeded in having the independents support the PJC review the legislation, with a reporting date back to the Parliament of 17 June.
The Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Senator Mathias Cormann, said he had written to the independents in the House of Representatives, impressing on them the importance of proper scrutiny of the bill, and the fact the Coalition would have been moving to excise the schedules affecting financial advisers and moving for an extension of the transitional arrangements to 30 June, next year.
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Australian Ethical has reported its net profit after tax (NPAT) fell 15% to $9.6 million for the year ended 30 June, while its underlying profit after tax (UPAT) declined 7% compared with the year prior, to $10.3 million.
Insignia Financial has announced a 59% increase in its underlying net profit after tax (UNPAT) to $234.5 million in FY22.
Having completed their educational qualifications, those advisers who remain in the industry are reporting being “run off their feet” with new clients.