Fitbit? I think I’ll quit
Outsider always enjoys attending the Money Management Fund Manager of the Year Awards not so much for celebrating those who walk away with the trophies (but congratulations Alliance Bernstein anyway) but for those who make their mark without winning anything.
He therefore sends his particular good wishes to “Mr Bean” who was the winner of the Fitbit in the business card draw but wonders whether the chap will ever actually use the device in circumstances where, like Outsider, he appeared to be built more for comfort than for speed and owned up to the fact.
Outsider does not own a Fitbit and probably never will. As he has always done, if Outsider feels like exercising he will lie down until the mood passes.
As for Mr Bean? Perhaps he will see the 2019 Fund Manager of the Year Awards as a turning point in his life and begin pounding the pavement. On the other hand, he might choose to continue using Merlot as his preferred method of hydration.