In order to provide an efficient and valuable progress meeting for clients, Johann Maree finds the best way to ensure they are working towards their goals....

Superannuation and social security are among themes where advisers are querying the most as they look to upskill their knowledge in a complex advice world, Craig Day writ...

The principles of mutual companies are still evident in our superannuation system, writes Andrew Howard, but more can be done to improve life insurance within super....

The biggest concern from advisers is that they are no longer able to do what they love but there is still room in the industry for innovation and renewed purpose, Jodie B...

Demutualisation of insurers has led to a destruction of value, writes Michael Pillemer, so remutualising could be a valid idea to rebuild consumer trust....

Investors may be using the pandemic to find the next FAANG, writes James Williamson, but history shows this period is only the latest cycle....

After one of the strongest quarters on record for global small caps, writes Trevor Gurwich, what does the new financial year hold for the sector?...

Companies are sitting with excess cash on their balance sheets following the pandemic, writes Catherine Allfrey, so they will have to work out how best to put this to use...

With climate change coming to the forefront, writes Katherine Neiss, there can be a role for central banks to utilise it in their monetary policy. ...

As numerous studies and roundtables have failed to find a successful financial advice model, collaboration between stakeholders could be the solution, writes Neil Macdona...

Flows into thematic ETFs grew by 29% in the first half of 2021, writes Arian Neiron, as investors seek long-term investment themes....

The UK went through its Retail Distribution Review in 2012, writes Chris Mather, so what can it teach Australia about the evolving financial advice system?...

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5 days 16 hours ago
Chris Cornish

What a sticth-up. Looks like Labor Senator Jess Walsh follows Stephen Jones who follows what the industry super funds ...

5 days 13 hours ago
Peter Swan

This report is a blatant display of far-left factional partisanship, treating superannuation funds as state property and...

5 days 14 hours ago

ASIC has cancelled the AFS licence of a Sydney wealth firm, the fifth Sydney firm to see a cancellation since the start of the year....

2 weeks 6 days ago

More than 20 winners from the funds management industry have been crowned at this year’s awards....

1 week 6 days ago

ASIC has obtained interim orders from the Federal Court to freeze the assets of a registered managed fund and prevent its former director from leaving Australia. ...

1 week ago